When you first log-in to the CRM the main menu gives you access to everything you need to manage your sales process.

You have a quick search box that allows you to search for a specific company or contact person.
The main menu items are:
- Dashboard – which gives access to dashboard and analytics
- Pipeline – with pipeline view for deals both for leads and customers, chart and a list view for drilling down into more detail
- Leads – with access to all leads, uncontacted inbound or outbound leads, leads with products in recycling and tools for quick lead allocation
- Customers – with listing of companies with products in onboarding or retention, and unproposed or recycled products
- the All companies section – listing all companies inside Rizer CRM
- Products – analyzing onboarding and retention activates
- Finance – covering, billing cycles, invoices and order forms
- The option to add a new company
- Calendar – to view your calendar and a list of pending actions
- Email – your main inbox, once you connect an email with Rizer
- User timeline – with a history of all your activity inside the CRM
In the top right part of the screen you have your profile and based on your user role you also get access to different Settings of the application.

The dashboard menu links to every part of the section with direct access to:
- Scoreboard – looking at the overall performance of the organization, see the actual results from the past, and compare them with the target or with the current forecast
- Forecast – estimating future results based on existing data in the CRM, current active details and their probability of closing
- Revenue – an overview picture of revenue, broken down into monthly, quarterly and yearly view
- Rep performance – the individual performance of all users dealing with leads
- Inbound – all inbound leads in the pipeline or which are ready to be assigned
- Outbound – all outbound leads i the pipeline and the ones which are ready to be assigned
- First contact reps
- Sales reps
- Demo reps

The pipeline menu gives you access to:
- A List view of all current deals – with details about the stage, deal ownership value and current action, plus a chart detailing the current pipeline value
- A Pipeline view of the deals – broken down by stage, and only showing company name and deal value.

The leads menu allows you to quickly navigate to:
- Inbound leads
- Outbound leads
- Recycling leads – which you contacted in the past but haven’t sold anything to. Learn more about recycling.
- Deals – all current active deals with leads
- Fix it – showing all leads for which a fix it request has been submitted by the sales team
- Archived – all companies that you will not be contacting again (for example due to going out of business)

The customers menu allows you to access:
- Onboarding – all products currently in onboarding
- Retention – all products in retention
- Billing & invoicing – listing all current active billing cycles and their attached invoices
- Recycling – recycled products linked to one of the customers
- Deals – all current active deals with customers
All companies
In the “All companies” section is a listing table with all companies inside Rizer CRM, leads or customers. You can see segmenting information or filter them out to get specific results.

The products menu item inks to 3 reports covering product related issues:
- Feature requests – a dashboard covering most requested product features and all the planned and implemented ones
- Onboarding – a dashboard regarding onboarding rep activity across all products
- Retention – a dashboard detailing retention reps activity inside the CRM

The finance section gives direct access to:
- Billing cycles – all current active billing cycles for all customers with an active subscription
- Invoices – all issued invoices with corresponding details, including due dates and paid dates
- Order forms – all order forms created in Rizer CRM
The rest of the main menu items

On the top right section of the menu you can find the rest of the main menu items:
- + Lead – adding new leads
- Calendar – the user’s calendar with all upcoming scheduled actions
- Message center – the user’s inbox, where he also receives webform submissions
- Timeline – the user’s timeline
- User profile & Settings