If a customer is not ready to buy your product from you right now you recycle that product with a reason so you can come back later and pitch your offer again. In some cases the leads decides not to buy because your product is missing a specific feature.
When you recycle a product in Rizer CRM you can choose between classic recycling reasons like no time or no budget or lost to competitor or you can choose a missing feature.

The difference between recycling for a missing feature or for another reason is the callback time.
Both recycling options offer a callback date selector. But the recycling for a missing feature can also be triggered by the fact that the feature gets implemented.

To be able to do this we offer users and product managers the option to manage the list of feature requests and to set:
- that a feature is planned for a specific date
- that a feature has been rejected and will never get done
- that a feature has been completed on a given date
- or to even leave a feature as unplanned
In the context of recycling, when someone marks a feature as completed, all products in recycling, recycled for that feature request get marked as “Ready for callback“.
This Feature requests table also shows the date the feature was first requested one and an average importance.
The average importance is made up of all the importance scores each company gave when requesting the feature. This should be a good indication for product managers how urgent a feature is.
The list of features is grouped by product and can be filtered out by Status, Product name and Importance.
This list is usually managed by a sales manager, the CEO or in bigger organizations by a product manager.