Account open wizard

  • Organization Owner: Verify that your user account is designated as the “owner” of the organization.
  • Organization Name: Enter your organization’s name as you want it to appear within Rizer.
  • Website: Provide your organization’s website URL. Rizer uses this for AI-powered suggestions.
  • Recycling Information: This is where you set up how records are recycled in Rizer.
    • Import historical records: Decide whether to import past data or only use newly lost deals. If you choose to import historical records, specify a start date using the calendar.
    • Recycle from (Pipeline/Stage): Select the pipeline and stage that will trigger data recycling.
  • Export Information: This is where you define how new deals are created in Hubspot.
    • Create new deals in the pipeline: Select the pipeline where new deals will be created.
    • Stage: Choose the stage in which new deals should start.
    • Max deals exported per day: Set a limit for the number of deals created daily.
  • Save: Click “Save” to store your settings.

Further reading:

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