Email nurturing settings

Navigate to Email Nurturing: Click on the “Email Nurturing” settings option.

  • Set up a Domain:
    • Add Your Domain: Enter the domain you will be using to send emails from (e.g.,
    • Authenticate Domain: Click on “Domains” and select the domain you just added to find the DNS records. The system will provide you with specific DNS records (e.g., TXT, CNAME) that you need to add to your domain host’s DNS settings. This verifies that you own the domain.
    • Verification: After adding the DNS records, it may take up to 24 hours for the system to verify. The status will change to “Verified” once successful.
  • Add email Senders:
    • Go to Senders: Click on “Senders”.
    • Add Senders: Enter the name and email addresses that will be used to send nurturing emails (e.g., “John Doe,” You can add multiple senders.

Further reading:

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